Monday, June 18, 2012

Evading School

I graduated from university in April of 2011. 
My program was tough for a couple of reasons.  One: it was night school, added on to working 50-60 hours per week.  Two:  I already work in the role I was being educated for, and sometimes had more knowledge than my professors.  Three:  Some of the students were competent, but some were complete morons.

I didn’t go to my convocation, graduation, or anything.  I wrote my last exam and walked out of the building exhausted.  I requested that my diploma be mailed to my house.  I ignored all the emails from the school (including one from my last prof, looking for a job).  I'm done, and just want to get on with my life.  I didn't make lasting friendships, I didn't have a life-changing experience, I'm not moving into "a new, exciting workforce."  I'm not twenty-one and moving out of my parents' house into my first shitty apartment.

When the alumni association started contacting me, I ignored them.  I have no interest in maintaining a connection with the school.  After 12 months, I received an email which threatened to stop contacting me if I didn’t reply to their requests for updates to my status and contact information.  Great, finally.
They have just started contacting me again, for a “where are they now” webpage.  And they’re starting to get annoying.

Maybe I should start making stuff up?  Like the Unibomber responded to his Harvard Alumni request – “the state of California has awarded me 7 life sentences for my accomplishments…”  hahaha

1 comment:

  1. Send them a bogus Change of Address email and block them. Or email them and say "Look, I'm just not that into you, lose my info!"

    Where did you go to school, the University of Jehovah's Witnesses?! LOL! Stalkers.
