Sorry for the lack of blogging lately. I’ve been swamped with my new job, trying to gracefully exit my old one, rehearse with my part-time band, sail, and possibly spend an hour or two with Wife.
That’s my plan for tonight. If she doesn’t know how special she is, I’m skipping sailing in the beautiful weather, and a beer ‘n’ bbq on the patio afterwards, to spend the evening at home with her.
Tomorrow I’m renting a car and driving out to see my family for the weekend. Other than the hour I spent in Hometown back in March when I returned his spare car, I haven’t seen my father since my mum’s funeral in February. I just haven’t had any time. This weekend I have time. I think he’s getting lonely. He doesn’t have many friends, social groups are tough for him because of his speech and mobility issues, and I think he just spends a lot of time sitting in front of the TV. He sounded really happy that I was coming to visit, and VERY excited when I suggested that I meet him at an amateur rugby game that he attends.
Then I’ll see Wife again on Sunday night (if she’s not working).
Enjoy the weekend with your dad!