Friday, June 8, 2012

Hopefully Climbing From The Mire

I work for Rob Ford.  Pretty much.

I don’t actually work for the City of Toronto, I work for a large corporation.  However, my supervisor is Ford’s doppelganger.  He looks like him, walks like him, talks like him, thinks like him… He’s a complete piece of shit.  He stabs his staff in the back, lies to us about opportunities, and lies to other people about our performance to keep us from moving up (but always without the proof that Human Resources would need).

I’ve been working for him for 7 years, and have known him for over a decade.

Yesterday he surprised me by offering me a new set of responsibilities.  It may actually be a new job with a new title and pay grade, it may be the same title and pay with different tasks.  The surprise was because I had set up the meeting to justify why I should be moved from my current area to a new, challenging (and possibly fulfilling) one.  The same one that he told me he wanted me to take! 
The meeting started really well, and his mannerisms almost had me forget that he’s a 2-faced, egocentric prick that sells out his staff.  Then he lied to me (without knowing that I’m aware of the truth) and I was pulled back into reality before possibly saying something that I would regret.

Hopefully this won’t fall through, and in a week or two I will be on my way to something slightly better.  Still working for the complete piece of shit, however only knee-deep in it instead of the current waist-deep.

1 comment:

  1. Well, here's hoping that all your dreams come true!
    There's nothing worse than being waist-deep in anything.
    I didn't leave a comment on your grouchy post because if you're anything like me, the last thing you want to hear is "Cheer up!" Fuck that, let the grouchy be will pass. :)
