Saturday, January 8, 2011

Home Is Not Home, But It's Still Somewhere I Have To Be

I noticed last night that I had a voicemail from a support group located in my parents' town.
I'm listed as emergency guardian for my sisters in case something happens.  The support worker said that he'd been speaking with my dad, and that he wanted to get in touch with me to confirm that we have a plan for when things go downhill.  The support worker said that "if you have a plan, that's great.  We just want to confirm that everyone is on the same page.  And if there is no plan, then I think it's time to put one together."
For those not in-the-know, my father had a couple of brutal strokes 20 years ago, and is now partially paralyzed with very limited vocabulary.  And my sisters have Downs Syndrome.

I spoke to my brother last night, and we've agreed to go out for a drink and try to put together a couple of plans on sibling custody/support based on a couple of different scenarios.  While nothing needs to be set in stone, we need to have something reasonably complete to whip out when the inevitable happens.  Then I can call back the support worker on Monday with some solid information and contact.

OLK and I are off to see the family this morning, to do a late Christmas.  We'll be exchanging gifts, along with visiting my mum who's still in the hospital.  And from my Dad's tone of voice I don't think he expects her to leave either...    We're taking my portable DVD player for her, along with copies of Pretty Woman and Pride & Prejudice.  Hopefully that'll get her through a few hours of boredom.  Besides, she might not remember having seen them that morning and just be happy to rewatch the same films daily.

For anyone wondering why I don't see my family so often, here's why:
Car rental:  $175
Hotel room: $150
Food not at parents' house: probably another $50.

On the upside, we're going out for drinks tonight with one of my oldest and most important friends.

It's gonna be a rough weekend, wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Family stuff is draining. It just is. I wish you strength.
