Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Today is July 4th.  As well as being America’s birthday, it was my mother’s too.  Although she wasn’t born in 1776…

She was born in the early 1950s, met my father when she was 17.  Married at 19.  Gave birth to me at 21 and my brother at 23.  Moved to Canada at 27.  Realized at around 50 that she had become completely Canadian, no longer feeling “at home” when visiting Britain.  Passed away 4 months ago.  Now she’s buried in Hometown, Ontario, where she will remain.

Happy Birthday Mum, I miss you!


  1. The first year of milestones is the hardest. Happy Belated Birthday Dickie's Mom.

  2. Yeah, I've noticed that each milestone is "this is the first fathersday/mothersday/birthday/easter/whatever without her."
