Yesterday afternoon, my band played a fun show. Afterwards, I went to a nearby bar with a friend. I forgot to eat, so I was running on the can of soup that I had for lunch.
I don’t remember a lot of last night. Apparently I was a jerk to Wife and insulted her family, and I smoked a couple of cigarettes. I was a nasty drunk, and it worries me. Mostly because I really like Wife's family, so I really didn't mean what I said (unlike the usual "drunk blabs the truth" syndrome).
Today I feel like crap, both physically and emotionally.
[edit]: More memories are coming back. One of those cigarettes was actually a joint, but I didn't realize it until I inhaled. That might explain my unpleasant state.
[edit]: More memories are coming back. One of those cigarettes was actually a joint, but I didn't realize it until I inhaled. That might explain my unpleasant state.
Oh my! You'd better get a tattoo on your hand that says "Eat before you drink!" :)