Monday nights are unusual. I never know what will come.
I’m home (aka “not sailing”), Wife is working. It’s my “me night.” I texted a friend that lives nearby, to see if her and her boyfriend wanted to meet up for dinner, but they were having some time alone.
I got home, and made an early dinner. I finished watching Season 3 of Breaking Bad. I tried watching ‘Super 8’, but had to shut it off 30 minutes before it ended. The script and acting were insufferable.
Then I went downstairs, took the doors off our washer and dryer, realigning the hinges to the other sides. Wife asked me to do this months ago, and I only just remembered.
Then I spent over an hour learning Tim Buckley’s “Song To The Siren” and working out my own arrangement of it.
I went up to bed, turned on “Mighty Ships” on the Discovery Channel, and fell asleep waiting for Wife to get home.
Today I feel great, and I think it’s partly because Monday night was so good.
I love days like that!